How do I get to Vlora Albania?

The fastest way to get to Albania by air flying into Tirana International Airport. When you have booked your flight we will transport you and your bike to Vlora.

By 2025 Vlora will get their own airport so you will be able to fly directly to Albania

How Hard is this ride?

The ride is hard but we have a support van. If you feel that you will need to take a break or want to go to the next hotel. We suggest a bike with very low gearing as there are places where the gradient is over 10%. A 1:1 gearing is a must so a 34T (34 tooth on the crankset) and at least a 34T on the back cassette is necessary. If you are confused on gearing you can setup a zoom call and I can explain gearing.

What is the accommodation like?

Having a good nights sleep is the most important part of enjoying a ride the next day. This is why we will selected mostly 4 star hotels so you can have a comfortable bed and visit the beach when you are not cycling up the hills..


The price covers everything food transfer to the airport so you can rest peace of mind. We will cover the park entrances and bunker entrances also.

Types of Rooms?

We have single and double rooms if you are a couple you will need a double room.

Do you provide bikes?

We have a few hybrids to rent but we suggest for the best comfort to bring your own bike as you will get the correct size fit and comfortable saddle..


The price covers everything food transfer to the airport so you can rest peace of mind. We will cover the park entrances and bunker entrances also.