From the moment we meet you at the airport to the moment you leave, we strive to welcome you and take care of you

Why Vlora Cycling Camp?

  • Affordability and luxury

    We have built relationships with the best hotels and restuarants in the region to provide the best luxury experience.

  • SmallerGroups

    Our rides accommandate 10 to 15 riders so that we can deliver the best quality service to all our riders. Plus you can ride to your own pace as we will wait for you.

  • Routes Designed by Local Cycling Experts

    The bike routes were created by local cyclist for a fun and challenging route.

  • Explore a New Country

    Albania for most of the 20th century was the North Korea of Europe but now it is open. You can experience a country being built in front of our eyes.

  • Nice Roads

    Since Albania has a low population the roads are relatively open. We ride during the off season which is cooler and has almost no traffic.