How a US Cycling Enthusiast Lives in Europe

I am not great with cutting a rug but I can do a giggle with bouncing among European countries as a Digital Nomad.  The Schengen is the visa-free travel area of now 30 countries in Europe.  Which is great for citizens of the Schengen area but bad for the UK, US, Aussie, and other citizens.  We only get 90 days out of 180 days inside of 30 countries.

If you are a cycling lover you know that this is nowhere near enough time as the Tour de France is 3 21 days long and most of the races are a week or more in length.  After watching the Giro and Tour your precious Schengen days are just about up for another 3 months.  Here is how a cycling enthusiast breaks up his Schengen visa time.

Giro d’Italia - Italy

The Giro is my favorite race of the entire cycling calendar as it is the first grand tour of the year and is completely unpredictable.  I remember when Chris Froome out of the clutch won the Giro out of nowhere.  So I normally fly into Italy for the Giro at the end of the Giro especially for the big mountain stages which are always best to watch.

I spend anywhere between a month to 2 weeks in Italy so that is 14 days of my Schengen.

Critérium du Dauphiné

Stopped to take a photo at the Telegrahe then cycled up the Galiber

In June as you know the warm up races to the Tour de France start.  Most riders getting their legs under them go to the Tour de Swiss or the Dauphine.  So I go to the Alps after the Giro cycle up L’Alp de Heuz and other famous mountains.  My favorite city is in North Annecy but I will stay in either Grenoble or Gap or a some town in the Alps.

Tour de France

On top of L'Alp d'Heuz

Since I am in France I stay in France for the Tour in the Alps.  There is not much traffic and people during June time in the Alps and prices are a little bit lower.  Depending on the Pars Cours I will spend half of July in the Alps and the other half in the Pyrenees.  The Pyrenees are a little bit cheaper to live.

Bansko, Bulgaria

Used to I fly to Bulgaria, Bansko for Nomad Fest and it is their off-season as the place is a ski town so you can get an apartment for 300 to 400 euros a month.  However, it has sold us non-Schengen residents down the river by joining the Schengen.  The town in August has the Tour of Bansko which is pro race you can watch.  I really like it as it is like a mini Tour de France and you can talk to the riders and hang out with them.

Bansko is a great place to cycle and has amazing roads and mountains.

Back to Albania

So I go to either Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, Georgia, or Turkey for a month or two to reset my 1-y

ear long Albanian visa-free access that Americans have.  Albania is 70% mountainous and it's an amazing country with great cycling.  I think their roads are probably the best in the entire Balkans and it has great weather.  You can swim in the sea until late September or early October.  I spend the winters in Vlora as it has the cycling and then I lead a cycling group ride in Albania.  If you would like to ride with us check us out at


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